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Home Automation & Smart Lighting
DevS Tech
~Smart Thermostats, Smart TVs, Wifi Extenders, & Home Control Devices
+Controled via app, smart home assistant, or another smart accessory
Smart Thermostats
Smart TVs
Wifi Extenders
Home Control
Lifestyle Smart Devices
Manual or Automated Climate Control for Commercial or Residential Application; Controled via Operating System or Virtual Assistant
A Wi-Fi extender helps transmit a Wi-Fi signal from your wireless router to hard-to-reach places and increases the range Home/Office Wi-Fi
Entertainment: Movie/Tv Show Streaming via Casting Applications, Listen to Music, & Provide Screen Mirroring/Casting (Smart Display Functions)
Home Control Devices
Home Control Smart Devices can aid with the conveniences of Daily Life & enable complete Home Automation so you don't lift a finger!